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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - exercise


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French exercice, from Latin exercitium, from exercitare to train, ~, frequentative of exercere to train, occupy, from ex- + arcere to enclose, hold offmore at ark  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of bringing into play or realizing in action ; use the ~ of self-control  b. the discharge of an official function or professional occupation ~ of his judicial duties  c. the act or an instance of carrying out the terms of an agreement (as an option) — often used attributively an option's ~ price  2.  a. regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ  b. bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness trying to get more ~  3. something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill arithmetic ~s vocal ~s  4. a performance or activity having a strongly marked secondary or ulterior aspect party politics has always been an ~ in compromise — H. S. Ashmore  5.  a. a maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and discipline naval ~s  b. plural a program including speeches, announcements of awards and honors, and various traditional practices of secular or religious character commencement ~s  II. verb  (-cised; -cising)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make effective in action ; use didn't ~ good judgment  b. to bring to bear ; exert ~ influence  c. to implement the terms of (as an option)  2.  a. to use repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop ~ a muscle  b. to train (as troops) by drills and maneuvers  c. to put through ~s ~ the horses  3.  a. to engage the attention and effort of  b. to cause anxiety, alarm, or indignation in the issues exercising voters this year  intransitive verb to take ~  • exercisable adjective
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  n. & v. --n. 1 activity requiring physical effort, done esp. as training or to sustain or improve health. 2 mental or spiritual activity, esp. as practice to develop a skill. 3 (often in pl.) a particular task or set of tasks devised as exercise, practice in a technique, etc. 4 a the use or application of a mental faculty, right, etc. b practice of an ability, quality, etc. 5 (often in pl.) military drill or manoeuvres. 6 (foll. by in) a process directed at or concerned with something specified (was an exercise in public relations). --v. 1 tr. use or apply (a faculty, right, influence, restraint, etc.). 2 tr. perform (a function). 3 a intr. take (esp. physical) exercise; do exercises. b tr. provide (an animal) with exercise. c tr. train (a person). 4 tr. a tax the powers of. b perplex, worry. Phrases and idioms exercise book 1 a book containing exercises. 2 a book for writing school work, notes, etc., in. Derivatives exercisable adj. exerciser n. Etymology: ME f. OF exercice f. L exercitium f. exercere exercit- keep at work (as EX-(1), arcere restrain) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) задача; пример; упражнение 2) упражняться; тренироваться proof is left as an exercise — доказательство оставим в качестве упражнения to exercise control — осуществлять контроль - computational exercise ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) осуществление; осуществить 2) использовать – to exercise right – exercise of invention – exercise of patent rights EXERCISE 1. сущ. 1) общ. осуществление, применение, использование (права) 2) фин. исполнение опциона See: exercise 2. гл. 1) общ. осуществлять 2) юр. использовать (право), пользоваться (правами) 3) юр. выполнять (обязанности) 4) общ. тренировать 5) фин. исполнять опцион, реализовать опцион (метод закрытия опционной позиции, состоящий в реализации права обладателя опциона купить или продать базовый актив, покупатель опциона является единственной стороной сделки, могущей реализовать опцион) Syn: exercise an option, take up an option See: option contract, abandonment EXERCISE гл. 1) осуществлять 2) использовать (право), пользоваться (правами) 3) выполнять (обязанности) 4) тренировать • - exercise a right - exercise a significant influence - exercise an option - exercise control - exercise due diligence - exercise of authority - exercise of option - exercise of powers - exercise of right - exercise one's power - exercise price - exercise restraint - exercise rights ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – muscular exercise – physical exercise ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. упражнение, тренировка 2. обыкн. pl. упражнения; комплекс упражнений five-finger exercises —- фортепьянные упражнения, экзерсисы map exercises —- учебные занятия по карте compulsory exercises —- спорт. обязательные упражнения voluntary (optional) exercises —- спорт. произвольные упражнения conditioning exercises —- спорт. подготовительные упражнения floor (free) exercises —- вольные упражнения pre-water exercises —- упражнения на суше (плавание) balancing exercise —- спорт. упражнение в равновесии hanging exercises —- спорт. упражнения в висах 3. упражнение (грамматическое и т. п.); задача; пример (арифметический и т. п.) an exercise in geometry —- задача по геометрии to do an exercise in English —- выполнять упражнения по английскому языку 4. физическая зарядка, моцион, прогулка, плавание и т. п. to take exercise —- делать моцион, гулять; делать гимнастику you do not take enough exercise —- вы мало двигаетесь to walk for exercise —- ходить пешком для моциона 5. осуществление, применение; проявление the exercise of hospitality —- проявление гостеприимства exercise of rights —- осуществление (использование) прав exercise of parental authority —- применение родительской власти exercise of functions —- отправление обязанностей exercise of judgement —- самостоятельная оценка (события и т. п.) an exercise in compromise —- принятие...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  book тетрадь EXERCISE yard прогулочный плац (в тюрьме) EXERCISE ones influence пустить в ход свое влияние EXERCISE  1. noun  1) упражнение; тренировка - five-finger exercises - Latin exercise  2) физическая зарядка; моцион to take exercises - делать моцион; заниматься спортом  3) осуществление, проявление the exercise of good will - проявление доброй воли  4) mil. учение, занятие; боевая подготовка  5) pl.; amer. торжества, празднества - graduation exercises  6) pl. ритуал  7) attr. - exercise book - exercise yard - exercise ground Syn: see training  2. v.  1) упражнять(ся); развивать, тренировать (in) All student teachers should be exercised in the new methods of reading instruction. If the horses are exercised in jumping the fences every day, they will give no trouble in the actual race.  2) mil. проводить учение; обучаться  3) выполнять (обязанности)  4) использовать, осуществлять (права); пользоваться (правами)  5) проявлять (способности) to exercise ones personality - выразить свою индивидуальность  6) pass. беспокоиться (over, about) I am exercised about his future - меня беспокоит его будущее EXERCISE ground mil. учебный плац ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (exercises, exercising, exercised) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you exercise something such as your authority, your rights, or a good quality, you use it or put it into effect. (FORMAL) They are merely exercising their right to free speech... Britain has warned travellers to exercise prudence and care. VERB: V n, V n • Exercise is also a noun. ...the exercise of political and economic power... Leadership does not rest on the exercise of force alone. N-SING: N of n 2. When you exercise, you move your body energetically in order to get fit and to remain healthy. She exercises two or three times a week... Exercising the body does a great deal to improve one’s health. VERB: V, V n • Exercise is also a noun. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion... N-UNCOUNT 3. If a movement or activity exercises a part of your body, it keeps it strong, healthy, or in good condition. They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group. VERB: V n 4. Exercises are a series of movements or actions which you do in order to get fit, remain healthy, or practise for a particular physical activity. I do special neck and shoulder exercises... N-COUNT: usu pl 5. Exercises are military activities and operations which are not part of a real war, but which allow the armed forces to practise for a real war. General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises... N-COUNT: usu pl, also on N 6. An exercise is a short activity or piece of work that you do, for example in school, which is designed to help you learn a particular skill. Try working through the opening exercises in this chapter... N-COUNT 7. If you describe an activity as an exercise in a particular quality or result, you mean that it has that quality or result, especially when it was not intended to have it. As an exercise in stating the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted... Think...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR HEALTH« physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become stronger  (I could use some exercise - let's go for a swim. | do/take exercise (=exercise regularly))  (Do at least fifteen minutes exercise each day. | get exercise (=do exercise as part of your daily life))  (You don't get much exercise sitting at a desk all day like this.) 2 »MOVEMENT« a movement or set of movements that you do regularly in order to keep a particular part of your body strong and healthy  (The doctor gave me some exercises to help with my back. | do exercises)  (Jan does her exercises every morning.) 3 »FOR A SKILL« C usually plural an activity or process that helps you practise a particular skill such as playing a musical instrument or singing 4 »IN A BOOK« a set of questions in a book which test a student's skill or knowledge  (Do Exercises 3 and 4 on page 51 for homework.) 5 »ARMY/NAVY ETC« an activity that trains soldiers, pilots etc for war when there is still peace  (a naval exercise) 6 »FOR A RESULT« an activity that is intended to have a particular result  (Getting everyone to agree was quite a difficult exercise. | an exercise in awareness/self-control etc (=something that you do in order to gain or develop a particular quality))  (The ceremony was an exercise in self-congratulation for a leader desperate to regain popularity.) 7 the exercise of power/influence/authority etc formal the use of power, influence etc in order to achieve something ~2 v 1 to walk, do sports etc in order to stay healthy and become stronger  (It's important to exercise regularly.) 2 to make a particular part of your body move in order to make it stronger  (Swimming exercises all the major muscle groups.) 3 exercise power/influence/caution etc formal to use power, influence etc  (I intend to exercise my right to vote.) 4 to make an animal walk or run in order to keep it healthy and strong  (Don's out exercising the horses.) 5 T often passive formal to make someone think about a subject or problem and consider how to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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